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Jan 12, 2004
Chichester Conservation Commission
01/12/04         Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:  Gwen Adams, Jeff Andrews, Gordon Jones, Bob Mann, Walter Sanborn, and Deb Soule   

Source Water Protection
The meeting started with a presentation by Sarah Pillsbury and Jessica Brock, both of the NHDES Source Water Protection Program, on groundwater basics and various source water protection avenues available to the town. They also mentioned what other towns in the area were doing to protect their drinking water supplies.

General Items
Minutes from last month were unanimously approved.

Noteworthy mail consisted of a notice from the town regarding appointments that were due to expire this year. Stan, Jeff, Bob, Gwen, and David’s terms are due to expire this year unless reappointment is requested.

Land Protection Subcommittee
Follow-up letters were sent to interested landowners.

A warrant article was submitted to the Selectmen to purchase the Shaw’s property adjacent to the Sanborn Cray conservation area. The Selectmen want the CCC to pay a percentage of the parcel commensurate with the percentage of land that would be left in a natural state after a small parking area and other visitor amenities were constructed. This may be a moot point since the Shaws may not sell the land to the town.   

Barbara Frangione’s land donation to school district
Jeff gave the second book of the “Preserving Family Lands” series to Ms. Frangione to borrow.

Obtaining greater land use change tax proceeds
A warrant article was submitted to the Selectmen to increase the current land change tax proceeds to the conservation land fund from 50% to 75%. Two of the 3 Selectmen expressed support for the measure with a third one abstaining.

Sanborn Cray Conservation Area access project
This project is on hold pending the possible purchase of the adjacent Shaw property. Jeff mentioned that we will have to monitor this easement and all the other ones this spring.

Master Plan Update
Walter mentioned the proposed zoning changes (elderly housing and village district) and lighting ordinance.

Scenic Roads – Blackman Property
It appears that the Selectmen have given Bill Stevens approval (Selectmen’s minutes of December 9, 2003) to upgrade Davis Road from class VI to class V to accommodate a proposed subdivision on his land, which is beyond the Blackman conservation easement on this road. The road is currently a 2 rod road and increasing its width to improve it to DOT class V standards (as required in Article 24 of the 2003 Town Report) could impinge on the adjacent conservation easements.  Bob moved that a letter be written to the Selectmen reminding them of the need to protect the conservation easements and Article 24 of the 2003 Town Report requirements for upgrading the road appropriately as well as the potential substantial impact to wetlands adjacent to the Blackman easement if the road was upgraded.   Motion was approved unanimously.

Goals for CCC
The goals were reviewed to see what progress has been made:
1) Baseline water quality monitoring of Marsh Pond.
Deb mentioned the state VLAP coordinator was laid off in the previous week. There is no current word yet on whether this program will continue without any dedicated staff.

2) Coordinating with the Planning Board on environmentally related rules.
The source water protection presentation tonight was the first step. It was agreed to make this goal an agenda item for the next meeting.

3) Seeking funds for purchasing (or gaining donations of) conservation land and/or easements.
        The warrant article request to increase the percentage of land use change funds was submitted in the last month.

4) Coordinating with the Master Plan Committee on the natural resource section of the Master Plan.
        The section was drafted and submitted to the Master Plan Committee.

5) Beginning the process of designating prime wetlands.
        Presentation scheduled for the February CCC meeting.

6) Developing the CCC’s section of the capital improvement program.
        Jeff submitted the letter to Tracy.

7) Implementing the Sanborn Cray Conservation Area management plan.
Currently the group is waiting to see if the town will purchase the adjacent Shaw lot, which would provide better access to this lot.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:45.

Upcoming Meetings
02/02 @ 7:00 in Selectmen’s conference room– Land Protection Subcommittee

02/09 @ 7:00 in Selectmen’s conference room – Regular CCC meeting including presentation on designating prime wetlands by Sandy Crystall – NHDES Wetlands Bureau